Give Them Something To Eat

Today, Over a Billion People Live in Extreme Poor Conditions. That’s 14% of the world’s population.

We work over vast areas around all over world to eliminate poverty. We work to provide Food, Money, Support For The Families and Education for their children.

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Providing Succour
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Educating The Girl Child For Society

Empowering Futures Through Girl Child Education

Educating The Girl Child For Society

Empowering Futures Through Girl Child Education


Empowering Futures Through Girl Child Education

Educating The Poor To Become Relevant To Society

Our scholarship program.

Educating The Poor To Become Relevant To Society

Our scholarship program is designed to support children from underserved communities in accessing education from primary school through tertiary education. We offer a range of scholarships, including full tuition scholarships, partial scholarships, and support for educational expenses such as books, uniforms, and transportation. Additionally, we provide mentorship and academic support to ensure that scholars have…


Our scholarship program is designed to support children from underserved communities in accessing education from primary school through tertiary education.…

Providing for the Poorest of the Poor

Providing for the poorest of the poor is not merely an act of charity; it is a moral imperative, a call to action, a commitment to justice

Providing for the Poorest of the Poor

Providing for the poorest of the poor is not merely an act of charity; it is a moral imperative, a call to action, a commitment to justice


Providing for the poorest of the poor is not merely an act of charity; it is a moral imperative, a call to action, a commitment to justice

Empowering Futures Through Girl Child Education

it is about unlocking potential, dismantling barriers, and fostering empowerment.

Empowering Futures Through Girl Child Education

it is about unlocking potential, dismantling barriers, and fostering empowerment.


it is about unlocking potential, dismantling barriers, and fostering empowerment.

48 Poor Families Supported
51 Scholarships
108 Children Schooled
5 Villages reached

Igniting Hope: From Struggle to Strength: Sister Gina Foundation's Mission for the Poorest of the Poor

See how we are reaching millions of people all over the world and helping.

Educating The Girl Child For Society

Empowering Futures Through Girl Child Education

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Scholarship For Kids

In a world where access to education often determines one's...

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Empowering Futures Through Girl Child Education

it is about unlocking potential, dismantling barriers, and fostering empowerment.

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