About Our Founder

Sister Gina, Is a Revered Sister In the Catholic Church, Who has dedicated her life to service for humanity

and for This Charity Foundation.
Who we are?

I am your favorite Sr Gina. Here is Sr. Gina’s Charity Foundation. An organization that champions the task of rescue interventions as it concerns the plight of the poor in our society. Apart from the fact that all humans are technically poor before God, because we continuously stand in need of God’s grace, the definition of the poor that this organization reaches out to are mainly the poorest of the poor. Our Lord Jesus revealed the identities of those helpless poor members of the society when he said in Matthew 25:42-43 : ” For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison, and you did not visit me “

Such as these and many more, especially in the persons of the poor widows, orphans, the blind, lame and in fact, the less privileged in our society are the targets of this Foundation. In other words , ‘the poorest of the poor’ encompasses these classes of people in our society.

Our Achievements:

The Charity Foundation has already recorded some achievements. Last year there was a visitation to the poor aged men and women, the sick and the needy ones in some part of Emohua L. G. A in Rivers State by Sr Gina and her crew. During the 2023 Christmas season, Sr Gina and her crew also reached out a good number of poor old widows and the needy ones in Ogoni land.

Presently, Sr . Gina Foundation has embarked on providing scholarship facilities to about 12 indigent children, drawn from some communities in Rivers State , to cover their education from primary to secondary schools in any good and reputable school in the state.

Our Mission:

The Foundation is therefore, poised to bringing joy and laughter to the faces of the poor ones in our midst. She does that from the meager resources of Sr. Gina, generous donations from friends and well meaning public.

Our vision: to ameloriate , if not eradicate those obstacles that stood on the way of the poor in Africa and hinder their progress in realizing their God- given goals.

To realize the goal of this Charity Foundation, the unquantifiable efforts and good will of the Government, private sector, Religious organizations, benefactors and benefactoresses are inevitable. As a result, Sr. Gina Charity Foundation , humbly an sincerely seek the support of all and Sundry the world over , to put smile on the faces of the poor in the society.

Our motto: “You too give them something to eat” Mark 6:37